Top 10 Reasons to Use WordPress for Your Next Blog

Remember the time, when developing a website or a blog required thousands of lines of codes? Starting a blog once used to be as challenging as solving a puzzle.

However, developing a blog today is as easy as pie; thanks to the advanced content management systems. Today you can develop unique websites and blogs within no time and with minimal effort involved.

Content Management System (CMS)

A Content Management System, or CMS for short, is a tool that makes it easy for people to create and manage websites, even if they don’t have any technical skills.

It’s like a virtual dashboard that allows you to add, edit and organize all the different parts of your website, such as text, images, videos, and more. You can also use it to manage elements like menus, pages, and comments. With a CMS, you don’t have to know how to code or be a tech expert to have a great looking website. Instead, you can use a user-friendly interface to make changes, and you can even see previous versions of your website to easily revert back if something goes wrong.

Additionally, CMS also allows for multiple users to work on the website, by assigning different roles and permissions. All in all, a CMS is a great way to make website management easy and accessible to everyone.

Over time, lots of content management systems have been in use like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Sitecore, and many others. Many of these content management systems are extensively being used today to run a diverse range of websites.


WordPress is one of the most popular and widely-used content management systems (CMS) in the world. It is estimated that over 62% of all websites using a CMS are run on WordPress.

This makes it the most popular platform for creating and managing websites, including blogs. The popularity of WordPress can be attributed to its ease of use, flexibility, scalability and adaptability.

In the field of blogging, WordPress is the most widely used platform. It is estimated that over 37% of all websites on the internet are powered by WordPress. This is due to the platform’s ease of use, flexibility and the fact that it is free and open-source.

Bloggers of all levels can easily create and manage their blogs on WordPress, and it’s also SEO-friendly which makes it easier for the blog to rank higher in search engines.In summary, WordPress is an excellent choice for anyone looking to create a website, including a blog.

Its popularity and wide usage are a testament to its flexibility, ease of use and scalability. The large community of developers and users also means that there are always new features and updates being developed, and support is always readily available. It is considered the best among all other CMS and platforms available.

WordPress is the most popular content management system today, powering over 455 Million websites as of Envisage Digital statistics. These include many of the top-ranking websites like Etsy Journal, Microsoft News, TED Blog, BBC America, and others.

Wordpress Website Market Share Data

WordPress offers a user-friendly platform for developers and bloggers to manage their websites and blogs with fun. It offers an easy-to-use interface to create captivating blogs within no time & providing immense customizability.

10 Reasons to Use WordPress for your Next Blog

You might wonder, what makes WordPress the top-performing content management system worldwide?

Well, WordPress brings with it multiple reasons to compel users to prefer it for their websites and blogs. Through its variety of advanced features, users consider it a worthwhile option for their web development and blog creation purposes.

Here we will discuss the top 10 reasons to use WordPress for your next blog. Scroll through and you will be convinced to adopt WordPress for your next blog too.

1. WordPress is Free and Open Source

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system. Anyone can download WordPress absolutely free of cost. A team of WordPress developers has been working worldwide to improve the software without charging a penny.

WordPress offers you a completely free platform for your websites. However, you have to buy a domain and a hosting plan to run your websites. Besides that, your blog creation journey needs no mandatory expenses.

Wordpress Is Free

This is particularly helpful for beginners having a hunger for creating blogs without having to invest a bulk of capital. WordPress provides them a budget-friendly platform to begin their blog creation journey without having to worry about finances.

2. WordPress is Easy to Use

In previous times, web development and blog creation was never easy task. You were meant to sit on your computer screens and laptops for days, writing thousands of lines of complicated codes. A slight bug in the code could shatter your entire efforts.

However, it’s the WordPress era today. The time when creating blogs and websites is nothing more than a simple drag-and-drop game.

WordPress provides you with a user-friendly interface for an optimal user experience guaranteed. Through its graphical interface and easy dashboard access, it takes you a few hours to comfortably design and develop a blog.

Using advance page builder plugins, you get a significant diversity to incorporate new features into your site pages. With a simple drag and drop technique, you get to build captivating pages and posts to engage your target audience.

Wordpress Interface

This ease of use is one of the major reasons why most developers and bloggers are gradually switching to WordPress. Through its intelligent functions, WordPress saves you loads of time, effort, and mess.

3. Coding-Free Development

Web development without coding was considered a dream once. The concept of websites was impossible without the need of writing codes. However, for so many developers, writing codes felt like a demon.

Over time, several coding languages have been introduced for various functionalities. Developers had to learn complex coding languages like HTML, CSS, Java, and many more.

However, WordPress offers a coding-free development experience to developers and bloggers. Blog creation today requires no coding languages. You get to choose your preferred themes, and plugins and simply begin posting content.

Sounds fun? Well, It actually is.

4. SEO-Friendly Platform

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) means crafting your content in a way that search engine recognizes it as most suitable for searched keywords. This lets you rank your content among the top results of your search engine leading to increased site visits and conversions.

SEO is an indispensable element of websites and blogs. Be it a personal blog, website, or an eCommerce store, having it search engine optimized is necessary for reaching a high volume of audience.

How Seo Works
Working Mechanism Of Seo

WordPress gives you quite an edge when it comes to SEO-friendly content. Search engines love the content uploaded and managed through WordPress. 

WordPress helps you keep your website content organized enough to be recognized by the search engine. This way, the search engine crawls every bit of your content precisely and displays it for the target keywords among the top results.

Besides general SEO-friendly architecture, many content ranking plugins also help you rank your content. Among these, Yoast SEO, Monster Insights, All in One SEO, Rank Math, and many others are worth mentioning.

These plugins provide additional features and techniques to optimize your content for search engine ranking. By following plugin suggestions and crafting your content accordingly, you can get your content published among the top results of your target keywords.

5. Scalability

Many businesses start with a single website and eventually end up with a wide network of websites. This is particularly true for businesses that ultimately develop in multiple countries or states and have to develop state or country-oriented multiple websites.

WordPress comes into play in such scenarios with its capability of developing website networks. These website networks comprise multiple websites which share a common WordPress installation core and can be operated conveniently.

Websites in a WordPress network can share plugins and themes too. They can all be controlled with a single core without having to keep tens of different dashboards for each individual site.

Besides this, multilingual websites can also be created using WordPress. This helps you target audiences from multiple nationalities. For a single website, multiple languages can be enabled to let the end-user switch to their intended language.

Hence, WordPress helps you scale your businesses and blogs without having to create entirely separate websites every time. This lets you save loads of time, effort, and resources by creating website networks or multilingual websites.

6. Niche Diversity

Websites of diverse niches exist on the internet today. From personal blogs to E-Commerce stores, News websites, magazines, multimedia sites and a lot more can be found on the internet today.

Another reason to choose WordPress for your next blog is its capability to support a diverse range of niches. WordPress gets you precisely covered if you want to create a business website, online store, portfolio website, online community blog, or multimedia site.

WordPress through its blend of themes and plugins, helps you craft your website as per your requirements. Hence the websites thus created not only are coherent to the niche demands but optimally fulfill the user demands too.

7. Plugins-Based Extended Functionality

A great reason why WordPress is the right option for you to create your next blog is, plugins.

Yeah, WordPress features a bulk of plugins for users that perform diverse functionalities as per the user preferences. According to Kinsta stats, the WordPress plugin directory has over 55000 plugins and the number is continuously increasing.

Plugins ease your website creation journey through their one-click smart functionalities. In the plugin directory, you can find plugins for almost every function of your demand. Be it E-commerce, SEO, speed optimization, website security, forms generation, or anything, WordPress owns plugins for it.

Adding Wordpress Plugins

Choosing the right plugin can do wonders for you. Through a simple plugin setup, you can incorporate the required functionalities into your websites and blogs. This way you get to put more features to your site without having to write codes and doing complicated installations.

8. Adaptability and Customizability

WordPress offers you complete freedom when it comes to customizing your websites and blogs. WordPress provides an immense diversity of options to its users to customize their sites as per their preferences and target audience.

WordPress allows you to configure your WordPress settings and customize your dashboards. You can add or eliminate users and assign them specified roles. You get a wide range of themes to choose from according to the nature of your site.

Through plugins, you can incorporate the required functionalities into your blogs. WordPress also helps you run dedicated SEO strategies for your content.

WordPress lets you choose from loads of widgets to add to your site’s main pages and sidebars. This provides shortcuts for your site visitors to fulfill their necessities.

You can set up your site menu as per your preferences and target audience. You can add multiple menus to your site too. Finally, you can customize your site’s header and footer too to add your intended information in these sections of your site.

9. Mobile-Friendly Platform

WordPress owns a significant edge over other website creation platforms because of its mobile-friendly nature. Other blog creation platforms work well with computer and laptop screens but fail to perform well on mobile.

However, WordPress goes great with mobiles too. The websites created with WordPress are also mobile-friendly to enable a user to access them through their mobile screens.

This is particularly important in today’s digital era where people mostly access the internet through their mobile phones. According to Data Reportal, there are around 5.32 billion unique mobile phone users in the world today.

This demonstrates the high volume of potential site visitors you can target through mobile-friendly websites. Hence, WordPress offers you the ease of creating mobile-friendly sites. You can also access your WordPress dashboard through your mobiles to conveniently operate your website anytime from anywhere.

10. Support Communities

Support service is the most crucial element of any digital platform or technical software. So is the case with content management systems too. People tend to prefer the ones with an extensive support community available online for immediate help in need.

WordPress is quite popular among developers worldwide and hence holds a massive support community. Such communities prove to be of quiet help in cases when you get stuck during your blog creation journey and need immediate solutions.

Through various online forums and sites, you get to find answers to your queries from field experts within no time. This saves you loads of time and effort by timely rectifying the issues that arise during your site development activity.

Besides online support communities, you can avail services of freelance WordPress experts too. This is particularly of help when you fail to rectify issues on your own. These freelance WordPress professionals are readily available to bring solutions to your queries and eliminate any kind of issues.

Wrapping Up

WordPress has proved to be a wonderful platform for developers and bloggers across the globe. Through its advanced features and loads of advantages, more and more organizations and startups are switching to WordPress. This is why a huge volume of websites on the internet is now based on WordPress.

Here we have discussed the top 10 reasons why WordPress is the right option for your next blog. However, the advantages associated with WordPress are much more than these.

I hope this article would have helped you understand loads of benefits associated with WordPress. It’s time for you to explore WordPress and enjoy the loads of benefits it has to offer you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Do I need to pay for installing WordPress?

WordPress is free and open-source software that can be downloaded absolutely free of cost. Being an open-source platform, it is continually being improved by a team of competent developers who don’t charge a penny from WordPress users.

2. Can I create a WordPress blog without learning to code?

Creating a WordPress blog or a website is an absolutely coding-free journey. You don’t need to learn coding languages for this purpose. Through simple graphical interfaces and drag-and-drop techniques, you can develop magnificent blogs within no time.

3. Do I need to pay for WordPress themes and plugins?

The majority of the WordPress themes and plugins are totally free to install. However, many themes and plugins come in dual versions. With free versions, you get to use limited theme and plugin features while you have to pay for the premium versions that give you access to complete features.

4. What kind of websites can I create with WordPress?

WordPress supports a wide range of website categories with its diverse features. Be it a personal blog, portfolio website, an E-commerce store, or business website, WordPress has got you covered. Using dedicated themes, plugins, widgets, and customizations, you can develop every kind of website with WordPress.

5. Where can I find technical support in case of WordPress issues?

WordPress being a highly popular content management system holds numerous online support communities of experts. You can get the solution for your queries from these trusted support communities. You can also avail yourself services of expert freelancers to address queries and bugs during your blog creation journey.

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